LUCID brings it to light.
We help you to quickly and competently detect possible compliance violations as well as to prevent the escalation of conflicts wherever possible.
Which statement comes closest to your situation?
We offer:
- Advice and practical support in setting up legally compliant processes for the professional processing of incoming allegations.
- Advice and practical support in the design and implementation of whistleblowing systems (e.g. telephone hotline, electronic reporting systems, ombudsmen) with special emphasis on labour law and data protection requirements
We offer:
- Legal review or preparation of a clear process description for internal compliance investigations
- Comprehensive legal advice and practical support in the planning and implementation of an internal compliance investigation with special focus on labour law and data protection requirements
- Execution of the entire investigation or individual measures (e.g. fact-finding, coordination, organisational handling, documentation, reporting)
We offer:
- Legal advice and practical support in administrative investigations (e.g. legal and practical ad hoc support on site (“dawn raids”), communication with the investigating authority, internal and external crisis communication, coordination of parallel proceedings)