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Infor­mation regarding the partnership pursuant to Sec. 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) and Sec. 2 of the German Regulation on Service Infor­mation Requi­re­ments (DL-InfoV)

Name/Legal form: LUCID Weihe Preeg Schmoll Rechts­an­wälte Partner­schaft mbB
Seat and Regis­tration: Munich, Local Court (Amtsge­richt) Munich, PR 1903
Address: Kaiser­platz 2 | 80803 Munich, Germany | +49 (0) 89 4622 7322

Partners autho­rised to represent the partnership:

Dr. Lars Weihe, LL.M.; Oliver Preeg, LL.M.; Christian Schmoll, IT Law Specialist

Profes­sional liability insurance with EU-wide coverage is in place with AXA Versi­cherung AG, Colonia-Allee 10–20, 51067 Cologne, Germany.

VAT identi­fi­cation number: DE321598823


All lawyers of LUCID are admitted to practise in the Federal Republic of Germany.

The respon­sible regional bar association is Rechts­an­walts­kammer für den Oberlan­des­ge­richts­bezirk München, Körper­schaft des öffent­lichen Rechts, Tal 33, D‑80331 Munich, Germany (see

Appli­cable profes­sional rules and laws include the German Federal Lawyers‘ Act (Bundes­rechts­an­walts­ordnung), the Rules of Profes­sional Practice (Berufs­ordnung), the German Act on Lawyers‘ Fees (Rechts­an­walts­ver­gü­tungs­gesetz), and the Code of Conduct for European Lawyers. The above rules and laws can be found at under „Profes­sional Rules“ (Berufs­recht).


The copyright to the contents of this website or any parts thereof is owned by LUCID or such person who has been granted a corre­sponding right of use by LUCID. You may download, temporarily store and print one or more of the pages of this website for exclusive use within your organi­sation or your personal use. Any other repro­duction, trans­mission or disse­mi­nation of any content of this website, including, but not limited to, any download, storage or printing, requires the explicit prior consent of LUCID.

Legal Disclaimer

Every effort has been under­taken to ensure the accuracy of any infor­mation and links on this website. However, any and all liability which might arise from your use of, or reliance on the accuracy of, the infor­mation or links contained on the website is excluded. The infor­mation on this website is general infor­mation and does not constitute legal advice.

Online Dispute Resolution platform and Consumer Conci­liation Proce­dures (Art. 14 para. 1 of the ODR-Ordinance and Sec. 36 German Consumer Protection Act)

The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court dispute resolution (see

In Germany, the competent consumer conci­liation board for pecuniary claims resulting from a client relati­onship is the Lawyers’ Conci­liation Board (Schlich­tungs­stelle der Rechts­an­walt­schaft), Neue Grünstraße 17, 10179 Berlin (see

LUCID is generally willing to parti­cipate in proce­dures for dispute resolution before a competent consumer conci­liation board.

Governing Law

This legal infor­mation and all issues and disputes regarding this website are governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Brand Develo­pment, Design and Reali­sation of the Website

Keller­strasse 26
81667 Munich

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